This table contains the extended notes.
This unique identifier for entries in t_note is automatically generated by RefDB and is stored as a BIGINT value (INTEGER for SQLite).
This is a user-supplied unique identifier for entries in t_note. If not supplied by the user, RefDB will create a unique identifier when the entry is added.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the title of the entry.
This alphanumeric field of unlimited length contains the text of the note.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the type of the data in the note_content field.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains an identifier of the language of the data in the note_content field.
This BIGINT (INTEGER for SQLite) variable points to the user_id in t_user which corresponds to the user who created the note.
This DATETIME field stores the date the note was added, or any other user-supplied date.
This short integer field stores whether the note may be shared with others (value != zero) or not (value = zero).