The table t_periodical

This table is a list of all periodicals.


This is the unique identifier of each periodical and is stored as a BIGINT value (INTEGER for SQLite).


This is the full, unabbreviated name of the periodical. This is an alphanumeric field with a limit of 255 characters.

Examples: Trends in Biochemical Sciences; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


This is the official abbreviation of the periodical as seen in the Index Medicus. Abbreviated words have a trailing period. All words are separated by a space. This is also an alphanumeric field with a maximum of 255 characters.

Examples: Trends Biochem. Sci.; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA


This is a custom abbreviation, often shorter and more popular than the official abbreviation. This is again an alphanumeric field with a limit of 255 characters.

Examples: TIBS; PNAS


This is another custom abbreviation, often shorter and more popular than the official abbreviation. This is again an alphanumeric field with a limit of 255 characters.