The refdb web interface is a combination of static HTML pages and of dynamically created HTML pages which are created by refdbd and sent back to the user through refdbc and the web server. All HTML pages support cascading stylesheets (CSS). This allows some simple customizations which we will discuss first. If you need to modify the HTML pages themselves, you can of course do this, but you have to provide a minimum of structure in the templates for the dynamic pages. We will look at this in the second section.
The stylesheet refdbq.css defines the appearance of the main elements of the refdb web pages. These pages consist of nested tables. The outer table divides the page into the navigation bar on the left and the main part on the right. The appearance of the navigation bar can be changed by modifying the definition for td.navbar. The corresponding variable for the main part is td.main.
All dynamically created pages display their results in tables which are nested into the main table cell on the right hand side. The results usually show a table header, whose appearance is defined in th.result, and one or more table cells, which are formatted using td.result.
All pages display a footer with a shameless link to the refdb homepage. The appearance of this footer is defined in td.footer.
Finally you can define the color of links and visited links with the a:link and a:visited variables.