This section gives an overview over the design of the reference database with MySQL as the database server.
The requirements of the database necessitate some tables which hold the data proper and some tables which cross-reference these tables.
This table is the main table of the database and holds all fields which are unique to one reference entry and not different between users.
This table contains the following columns:
The unique identifier for a entry in t_refdb is stored as an INT value.
This indicates the type of the document. This six-character string must be one of the following:
ABST (abstract reference)
ADVS (audiovisual material)
ART (art work)
BILL (bill/resolution)
BOOK (whole book reference)
CASE (case)
CHAP (book chapter reference)
COMP (computer program)
CONF (conference proceeding)
CTLG (catalog)
DATA (data file)
ELEC (electronic citation)
GEN (generic)
ICOMM (internet communication)
INPR (in press reference)
JFULL (journal - full)
JOUR (journal reference)
MAP (map)
MGZN (magazine article)
MPCT (motion picture)
MUSIC (music score)
NEWS (newspaper)
PAMP (pamphlet)
PAT (patent)
PCOMM (personal communication)
RPRT (report)
SER (serial - book, monograph)
SLIDE (slide)
SOUND (sound recording)
STAT (statute)
THES (thesis/dissertation)
UNBILL (unenacted bill/resolution)
UNPB (unpublished work reference)
VIDEO (video recording)
This numerical value (SMALLINT) indicates the publication year.
This numerical value (SMALLINT) indicates the secondary year information.
This alphanumeric string (up to 255 characters) contains the start page information.
This alphanumeric string (up to 255 characters) contains the end page information.
This variable-length string contains the abstract or table of contents of the entry.
This alphanumeric field of variable length contains the title of the entry.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the volume number or identifier of the periodical.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the issue number or specifier.
This alphanumeric field of variable length contains the book title (book chapter or whole book reference).
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the city where the periodical or book was published.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) contains the name of the publisher.
This alphanumerical field of variable length contains the title of a series of books or publications.
This alphanumeric field of variable length holds the address of the corresponding author and other contact information.
This alphanumeric field (up to 255 characters) holds a URL related to the entry, e.g. the homepage of an author or a link to an electronic reprint.
This alphanumeric field with a maximum of 255 characters stores the ISSN or ISBN number of the publication.
This alphanumeric field with a maximum of 255 characters stores the additional information of a PY field after the publication year. The format is "/MM/DD/otherinfo", with MM being the month and DD being the day of the publication. If either of these is missing, the corresponding slash "/" still has to be entered. The other information is free alphanumeric information.
This alphanumeric field with a maximum of 255 characters provides the same additional information for the refdb_secyear field as the refdb_pyother_info field for refdb_pubyear.
This INT variable points to the periodical_id in t_periodical which corresponds to the periodical the given article appeared in.
These alphanumeric fields with a maximum of 255 characters provide space for user-defined information.
These alphanumeric fields with a maximum of 255 characters provide space for user-defined information.