Chapter 3. refdb-mode commands

Table of Contents

Managing references
Add References
Update References
Check References
Delete References
Get References submenu
Get References on Region submenu
Get References from Citation
Pick References
Dump References
Convert References submenu
Managing notes
Add Notes
Update Notes
Delete Notes
Get Notes submenu
Get Notes on Region submenu
Add Links
Delete Links
Insert commands
Insert submenu
Reference formats and databases
Customize data output submenu
Select Database
Show Database Info
Managing documents
Create Document
Cite References submenu
Transform Document
View Output
Database management
Create Databases
List Databases
Delete Databases
Bibliography styles management
Add Styles
List Styles
Get Style
Delete Styles
User management
Add Users
List Users
Delete Users
Journal title word management
Add Journal Title Words
List Journal Title Words
Delete Journal Title Words
Miscellaneous server tasks
Run Keyword Scan
View Server Information
Database backup management
Backup Reference Databases
Restore Reference Databases
refdb-mode customization
Initialize System Database
Customize RefDB Mode
Edit RefDB Config Files
RefDB server management
Start Application Server on localhost
Stop Application Server on localhost
Restart Application Server on localhost
Reload Application Server on localhost

Essentially all commands are accessible through the menu, and the most common commands are also accessible through keyboard shortcuts. The RefDB menu is subdivided into several sections. We'll discuss the sections in the order of appearance. Each description contains the synopsis of the refdb-mode command, i.e. what you'll have to type in after pressing M-x if you want to run the command from the minibuffer.

Managing references

This section contains all commands that you need to manage references.

Add References


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rra

Adds the references in the current buffer to the currently selected database. If the buffer is a risx buffer, the whole contents of the buffer will be added to the database. If nxml-mode considers the buffer to be invalid, an error message is returned and no data are sent to the database

If the buffer is a RIS buffer and no region is selected, the whole buffer will be sent to the database. If a region is selected, only the references contained in the region will be sent to the database.

Update References


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rru

Updates the references in the current buffer, i.e. existing references in the database are updated with the data of the current buffer. Works essentially like the Add References command.

Check References


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rrc

Checks the references in the current buffer against the ones in the current database. You'll get a list of possible duplicate references, author names, periodicals, and keywords.

Delete References


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rrd

Asks interactively for a list of IDs to delete from the current database. The references will be permanently removed from the database.


It is not possible to delete references that other users have added to their personal interest list. Use Dump References instead in this case

Get References submenu

This submenu provides a variety of commands to run simple and complex queries. The commands interactively ask for the value to search for. Wherever appropriate there is a choice between exact matches and regular expressions.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rga

Asks interactively for the name of an author. All references that contain this person as an author, as an editor, or as a series editor will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts an exact match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.

Author (regexp)


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rxa

Asks interactively for the name of an author as a regular expression. All references that contain this person as an author, as an editor, or as a series editor will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts a regular expression match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgt

Asks interactively for the title of a reference. All references that use this string as a title, a book title, or a series title will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts an exact match of the value that you type in.

Title (regexp)


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rxt

Asks interactively for a title as a regular expression. All references that contain a matching string as a title, a book title, or a series title will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts a regular expression match of the value that you type in.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgk

Asks interactively for a keyword. All references that contain this keyword will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts an exact match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.

Keyword (regexp)


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rxk

Asks interactively for a keyword as a regular expression. All references that contain this keyword will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts a regular expression match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgp

Asks interactively for the name of a periodical. All references that were published in this periodical will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts an exact match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.

Periodical (regexp)

refdb-getref-by-periodical-regexp( periodical);

bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rxp

Asks interactively for the name of a periodical as a regular expression. All references that were published in this periodical will be displayed. refdb-mode attempts a regular expression match of the value that you type in. Tab completion is available.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgi

Asks interactively for the numerical ID of a reference which will be displayed. The ID is a unique identifier of each reference which is maintained by RefDB.

Citation key


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgc

Asks interactively for the alphanumeric citation key of a reference which will be displayed. The citation key is also an unique identifier which you can set when first adding a reference to the database.

Advanced search

refdb-getref-by-advanced-search( searchstring);

bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rgd

Asks interactively for a complete query string. The syntax of getref queries is described in the RefDB manual. You may need to escape special characters to hide them from the Lisp interpreter in order to obtain a valid query string.

Get References on Region submenu

The commands of this submenu do not ask for a value to search for, but work on a region that you have selected in the current buffer, either by mouse or by setting mark and point appropriately. The contents of the region will be used as the value of your query.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-ga

Uses the selected region as the value of an author regular expression search. All references which contain the given person as an author, editor, or series editor will be displayed.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-gt

Uses the selected region as the value of a title regular expression search. All references which contain a matching string in the title, the book title, or the series title will be displayed.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-gk

Uses the selected region as the value of a keyword regular expression search. All references which contain a matching keyword will be displayed.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-gp

Uses the selected region as the value of a periodical regular expression search. All references which were published in a matching periodical will be displayed.



bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-gi

Uses the selected region as the value of an ID search. The reference with the given ID will be displayed.

Citation Key


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-gc

Uses the selected region as the value of a citation key search. The reference with the given citation key will be displayed.

Get References from Citation


bound to: Ctrl-cCtrl-rCtrl-c

Uses the citation around point to retrieve all cited references in that citation from the database.

Pick References


Asks interactively for a list of ID values. These references will be added to your personal reference list.

Dump References


Asks interactively for a list of ID values. These references will be removed from your personal reference list.

Convert References submenu

This submenu offers a variety of commands to convert reference data to and from RIS. All commands work on the data in the current buffer and do not access the RefDB database. Use these commands to import from or export to data formats that RefDB does not support natively. In the first case, the buffer must contain reference data in one of the formats BibTeX, copac, EndNote, ISI, Medline, or MODS. The result will be in RIS format. In the second case the buffer must contain RIS data. The output will be either EndNote or MODS.

From BibTeX


Converts BibTeX data to RIS data.

From copac


Converts copac data to RIS data.

From EndNote


Converts EndNote data to RIS data.

From ISI


Converts ISI data to RIS data.

From MedLine


Converts Medline data to RIS data.



Converts MODS data to RIS data.

To EndNote


Converts RIS data to EndNote data.



Converts RIS data to MODS data.