Commented abstract representation of the client/server protocol

This chapter tries to explain the client/server protocol of all currently supported RefDB commands using an abstract representation which should be fairly easy to port to any real programming language.

First stage

stepclientservermessage typecomment
13\0\0\0\0  the current protocol version, a terminated string of up to 16 characters. The whole string will be converted to an integer internally.
2 000ABC-DE-FG-HI\0\0\0\0okthe ok status message, followed by the randomly generated encryption string
   errorthere is no server response in case of a refused remote connection
  102, 103, 104, or 801erroran error status message, ending the dialog
3000command\0\0\0\0 okthe ok status message, followed by the command proper. See below for details.
  112  errorthe error status code signalling a client error

Second stage

The second stage is the more interesting part of the protocol, as it is here where the commands differ. The following section briefly explain the inner workings of the commands and show an abstract representation of the protocol.


The internal API command addlink corresponds to refdbc: addlink.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addlink [options] link-spec [link-spec...]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addlink command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
   803 partial success, aborted after unrecoverable errorthe error message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 417, 233, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command addnote corresponds to refdbc: addnote.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addnote [options] filename\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addnote command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
   701 warningthe warning message status
  202, 204, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
4  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
5<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
6  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
  408 or 413okthe message status denoting success of the previous add or update action
  702, 801errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
7see step 3 okrepeat loop until end of data
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
8 403<result message>\0\0\0\0okthe ok status signalling that a chunk has been added successfully, followed by the terminated server result message, finishing the dialog
9 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The addref command can add bibliographic data in various formats to the database. The client/server protocols differ slightly based on the type of data transferred. RIS data are transmitted one dataset at a time, whereas XML data are streamed in chunks of a defined size.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addref -s ris [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addref command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
   701 warningthe warning message status
  202, 401, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
4  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
5<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
6  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
  408 or 413okthe message status denoting success of the previous add or update action
  702, 801errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
7see step 3 okrepeat loop until end of data
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
8  403<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok status signalling that a chunk has been added successfully, followed by a terminated string containing the result message
9 000  okthe ok message status
10 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
11 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog

And now the slightly different protocol for risx data:

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addref -s risx [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addref command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
   701 warningthe warning message status
  202, 204, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
4  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
5<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
6  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
  408 or 413okthe message status denoting success of the previous add or update action
  702, 801errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
7see step 3 okrepeat loop until end of data
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
8  403<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok status signalling that a chunk has been added successfully, followed by a terminated string containing the result message
9 000  okthe ok message status
10 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
11 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command addstyle corresponds to refdba: addstyle.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addstyle [options] filename\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addstyle command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
  104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 202, 203, 204, 206, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
4 000okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
5<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
6  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
7see step 3 okrepeat loop until end of data
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
8 403<result message>\0\0\0\0okthe ok status signalling that a chunk has been added successfully, followed by the terminated server result message, finishing the dialog
9 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command adduser corresponds to refdba: adduser.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000adduser [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated adduser command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
  202224 or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<names>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing a list of names
4  000<summary>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status
  205 801  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem, ending the session
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command addword handles both the refdba: addword and the refdba: deleteword client commands.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000addword [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated addword command sting
2  000 okthe ok message status
  202, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the word list
  112  errorthe error message status which terminates the session
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
5 000  okthe ok message status
6 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
7 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command confserv corresponds to refdba: confserv.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000confserv command [argument]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated confserv command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, 301, 801, 839, 840errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command createdb corresponds to refdba: createdb.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000createdb [options]dbname\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated createdb command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  111, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command deletedb corresponds to refdba: deletedb.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000deletedb [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated deletedb command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command deletenote corresponds to refdbc: deletenote.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000deletenote [options] <bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated adduser command sting containing the number of bytes required to store the ID list.
2  000 okthe ok message status
   111 801 errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<ID-list>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing a list of note IDs
4  000<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a report about the delete actions
  204, 412, 801errorthe message status saying that there was a problem, ending the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6  000<summary>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a command summary
7 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command deleteref corresponds to refdbc: deleteref.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000deleteref [options] <bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated adduser command sting containing the number of bytes required to store the ID list.
2  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<ID-list>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing a list of reference IDs
4  000<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a report about the delete actions
  204, 412, 801errorthe message status saying that there was a problem, ending the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6  000<summary>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a command summary
7 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command deletestyle corresponds to refdba: deletestyle.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000deletestyle {regexp}\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated deletestyle command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, 234, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog

getau, geted, getas, getkw, getjo, getjf, getj1, getj2

These internal API commands correspond to the client commands refdbc: getau, refdbc: geted, refdbc: getas, refdbc: getkw, refdbc: getjo, refdbc: getjf, refdbc: getj1, refdbc: getj2.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getXX [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 208, 234, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command getbib is used by the refdbib tool to retrieve cooked SGML and XML bibliographies.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getbib [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated getbib command string.
2  000 okthe ok message status, meaning no style spec will be transmitted (jump to 4)
   402 okthe ok message status, meaning the style spec will be transmitted
  202, 204, 241, 701, 801errorthe error message status, terminating the dialog
3 000  okthe ok message status
4  000 okthe ok message status
   242 errorthe error message status, finishing the dialog
5000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
6  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
7<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
8  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
9 000  okthe ok message status
10  404 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
   402 okthe ok status for the last chunk of data
11 000  okthe ok message status
12 000<summary>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated command summary string.
13 000  okthe ok message status, finishing the dialog

getnote, countnote

The internal API command getnote corresponds to refdbc: getnote and refdbc: countnote.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getnote [options] <bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated getref command sting containing the number of bytes required to store the query string
2  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<query-string>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the query
4 404<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting a complete dataset, followed by a terminated string containing the dataset
  402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), followed by a terminated string containing the data
  204, 234, 701, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6 402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), see step 2
7 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
  702, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
8 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog

getref, countref

The internal API command getref corresponds to refdbc: getref and refdbc: countref.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getref [options] <bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated getref command sting containing the number of bytes required to store the query string
2  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<query-string>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the query
4 404<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting a complete dataset, followed by a terminated string containing the dataset
  402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), followed by a terminated string containing the data
  204, 234, 701, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6 402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), see step 2
7 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
  702, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
8 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command getrefx is used by the refdbib tool to retrieveraw SGML and XML bibliographies.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getrefx [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated getbib command string.
2  000 okthe ok message status
  204, 701, 801errorthe error message status, terminating the dialog
3000<bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string denoting the number of bytes that the client wants to transmit
  402  okthe message status saying that all data have been sent, ending the loop over all datasets
  404  okthe message status saying that the current dataset has been sent completely
  401  errorthe message status saying that there was a problem reading the input data, ending the session
4  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, ending the session
5<data> okthe previously announced number of data bytes
6  403 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
  400<message>\0\0\0\0errorthe error status, followed by a terminated, server-generated error message specifying the error
7 000  okthe ok message status
8  404 okthe ok status for a successfully transmitted chunk of data
   402 okthe ok status for the last chunk of data
   234, 801, 702 errorthe error message status
9 000  okthe ok message status
10 000<summary>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated command summary string.
11 000  okthe ok message status, finishing the dialog


The internal API command getstyle corresponds to refdba: getstyle.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000getstyle [options][regexp]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated getstyle command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command gettexbib is used by the refdbib tool to retrieve bibtex bibliographies.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000gettexbib [options] data-size\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated gettexbib command string. The only non-option argument is the size, in bytes, of the ID data to be sent, including the terminator.
2  000 okthe ok message status
   801 errorthe error message status, terminating the dialog
3000id-data\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated ID list. This is a whitespace separated list of ID or CK values.
4 404<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting a complete dataset, followed by a terminated string containing the dataset
  402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), followed by a terminated string containing the data
  204, 234, 269, 701, 801, or 842errorthe error message status which terminates the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6 402<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status denoting the last chunk of data (usually a "footer"), see step 4
7 000  okthe ok message status
8 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
  702, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
9 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command listdb corresponds to refdbc: listdb.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000listdb [regexp]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated listdb/selectdb command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, 225, 226, 802, or 802errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command liststyle corresponds to refdbc: liststyle.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000liststyle [options][regexp]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated liststyle command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command listuser corresponds to refdba: listuser.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000listuser [options] regexp\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated listuser command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 207, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command listword corresponds to refdba: listword.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000listword regexp\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated listword command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 207, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command pickref handles the client commands refdbc: pickref and dumpref.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000pickref [options] <bytes>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated pickref command sting containing the number of bytes required to store the ID list.
2  000 okthe ok message status
   111 801 errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3000<ID-list>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing a list of note IDs
4  000<data>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a report about the pick or dump actions
  204, 412, 801errorthe message status saying that there was a problem, ending the session
5 000  okthe ok message status
6  000<summary>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by a command summary
  227, 228, 234errorthe error status, terminating the dialog
7 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command scankw corresponds to refdba: scankw.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000scankw -d <databasename>\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated scankw command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 208, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command selectdb corresponds to refdbc: selectdb.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000selectdb dbname\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated listdb/selectdb command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  202, 225, 226, 802, or 802errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command viewstat corresponds to refdba: viewstat.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000viewstat [options]\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated viewstat command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 208, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog


The internal API command whichdb corresponds to refdbc: whichdb.

stepclientservermessage typecomment
1000whichdb\0\0\0\0 okthe ok message status, followed by the terminated whichdb command sting
2 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result
  204, 207, or 801errorthe error message status which terminates the session
3 000  okthe ok message status
4 000<data>\0\0\0\0okthe ok message status, followed by a terminated string containing the command result summary
5 000  okthe ok message status, ending the dialog

Status messages


The status codes which are multiples of 100 are not associated with a fixed message. Instead, clients should retrieve the terminated string sent after these codes to read the dynamically generated message.








incorrect scramble string


client and server protocols do not match


invalid client request


incomplete client command


missing client command


missing client command option


unknown client command option


could not descramble password


timeout while reading


timeout while writing


missing client command argument


client aborted command




main database is missing


could not open main database


main database is too old or corrupt


could not open reference database


could not connect to database server


main database version is not supported


could not create result from database query


could not retrieve reference database metadata


could not create reference database


could not create reference database metadata


create t_meta failed


create t_refdb failed


create t_author failed


create t_keyword failed


create t_periodical failed


create t_note failed


create t_user failed


create t_xauthor failed


create t_xkeyword failed


create t_xuser failed


create t_xnote failed


could not create user group


could not grant user permissions


access control not supported


not a RefDB database


database does not exist


begin transaction failed


cannot lock tables


failed to remove keyword


failed to remove author


failed to remove periodical


failed to update main reference data


inserting reference data failed


select failed


database successfully created


assume localhost as host


grant user permissions successful


revoke user permissions successful


could not revoke user permissions


switched to database


failed to access style data


create temporary table failed


delete temporary table failed


incomplete reference data


failed to remove note xlink


failed to delete main note data


failed to remove user


failed to delete main reference data


failed to delete database


could not delete user group


database successfully deleted


personal interest list is empty


failed to detach dataset from user


sucessfully detached dataset from user


failed to attach dataset to user


sucessfully attached dataset to user


create t_link failed


create t_xlink failed


failed to remove ulink


failed to update journal names


failed to create citation key


failed to create personal list


successfully created personal list


failed to delete personal list


successfully deleted personal list


personal list not owned by current user


personal list does not exist


create t_temp_xdup failed


style not found




missing argument


unknown output format




no more data available


finished transferring data


chunk added successfully


finished transferring dataset


finished adding dataset


citation key


refused to overwrite dataset


dataset added successfully


numerical id ignored


numerical id nonexistent


citation key nonexistent


ID and citation key missing


dataset updated successfully


failed to add dataset


missing link target


incorrect link type


dataset not found


link already exists


dataset removed successfully


failed to remove dataset


link added successfully


only owner can fiddle with dataset


dataset is still in use


dataset is already attached to user


periodical name changed successfully


reference type changed




failed to initialize character set conversion


character set conversion failed


remote administration disabled


administration is not restricted


administration not permitted


administration permitted


process ID


application server stop submitted


set server IP submitted


set timeout submitted


set logfile submitted


set logdest submitted


set loglevel submitted




out of memory


failed to load cgi templates


command partially processed, aborted after unrecoverable error


suffix pool exhausted


REFNUMBER formatting failed


AUTHORLIST formatting failed


EDITORLIST formatting failed


SEDITORLIST formatting failed


PUBDATE formatting failed


PUBDATESEC formatting failed


TITLE formatting failed


BOOKTITLE formatting failed


SERIESTITLE formatting failed


JOURNALNAME formatting failed


VOLUME formatting failed


ISSUE formatting failed


PAGES formatting failed


PUBLISHER formatting failed


PUBPLACE formatting failed


SERIAL formatting failed


ADDRESS formatting failed


URL formatting failed


USERDEF1 formatting failed


USERDEF2 formatting failed


USERDEF3 formatting failed


USERDEF4 formatting failed


USERDEF5 formatting failed


MISC1 formatting failed


MISC2 formatting failed


MISC3 formatting failed


LINK1 formatting failed


LINK2 formatting failed


LINK3 formatting failed


LINK4 formatting failed


ABSTRACT formatting failed


NOTES formatting failed


SEPARATOR formatting failed


remote administration failed


child->parent communication failure


FIFO write error


unknown command


failed to load style

