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Name | Type | Default Value |
type | CDATA | None |
xml:lang | CDATA | None |
The content element holds the note proper. This may be a string or markup.
The type attribute specifies the type of the note contents. This may e.g. be a namespace, the name of a DTD, or anything else which gives a hint to a processing application.
The xml:lang attribute denotes the language of the note contents.
<xnote id="1" citekey="markus2005" date="2005-10-12" share="public"> <title>myfirstnote</title> <content>The note text proper</content> <keyword>biochemistry</keyword> <keyword>enzymes</keyword> <link type="reference" target="WANG2002"/> <link type="reference" target="Phadke1994"/> <link type="author" target="Walsh,N."/> <link type="journalabbrev" target="Biochem.Pharmacol."/> </xnote>