Finding extended notes

You will easily guess that the command to retrieve extended notes is called getnote. The syntax is very similar to the getref command described above:

refdbc: getnote -h
Displays the result of a database search for notes.
Syntax: getnote  [-c command] [-d database] [-E encoding] [-h] [-o outfile] [-O outfile][-P] [-R pdfroot] [-s format] [-S tag] [-t output-format] {search-string|-f infile}
Search-string: {:XY:{<|=|~|!=|!~|>}{string|regexp}} [AND|OR|AND NOT] [...]
where XY specifies the field to search in
Options: -c command   pipe the output through command
         -d database  specify the database to work with
         -E encoding  specify the input character encoding
         -h           prints this mini-help
         -o outfile   save the output in outfile (overwrite)
         -O outfile   append the output to outfile
         -P           limit search to personal interest list
         -R           use pdfroot as root for path of pdf files
         -s format    specify fields for screen or style for DocBook output
         -S tag       sort output by tag ID (default) or PY
         -t output-format display as format scrn, html, xhtml, or xnote
         -f infile    use the saved search line in file infile
         All other arguments are interpreted as the search string.

As you can see, most of what we said about finding references also applies to extended notes. We'll only look at the differences here. The most obvious difference is the available fields to query for. For extended notes, the following fields are available:


The unique id of an extended note.


The unique citation key of an extended note.


The date of an extended note.


The title of an extended note.


A keyword. This is a keyword attached to a note in order to categorize the latter, similar to a keyword in a reference.


A keyword. This is a keyword that the note is linked to, i.e. a keyword that the note was attached to in order to supply additional information.


The name of an author or editor. Use this field specifier to locate notes that are linked to a particular author.

:JF:, :JO:, :J1:, :J2:

The full, abbreviated, or user-abbreviated name of a periodical. Use this field specifier to locate notes that are linked to a periodical.


The id of a reference. Use this field specifier to locate notes linked to a particular reference.


The citation key of a reference. Use this field specifier to locate notes linked to a particular reference.

The other major difference is the available output formats.

Table 2-2. refdb notes output formats

Name File format Purpose
scrn plain text display of search results in a terminal window
html HTML 4.01 display of search results in a web browser
xhtml XHTML 1.0 display of search results in an XML-aware web browser
xnote xnote editing references, backup of databases

Some basic notes queries using these fields are shown here:

refdbc: getnote :NCK:=biochemistry1999

This query retrieves the note with the key "biochemistry1999".

refdbc: getnote :CK:=Miller1999

This query retrieves the note which is attached to the reference carrying the citation key "Miller1999".