refdb-backup is a tool for backing up RefDB(7) references, notes and styles. A gzipped tarfile of the form 'refdb_backup_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.tar.gz' is created.
While users can restore data from the backup archive manually, it is expressly designed to restored by the companion tool refdb-restore.
directory in which to place backup file (default: current directory)
references storage format ('ris' (default)|'risx')
print help and exit
silent, no screen feedback
username for RefDB clients (refdba, refdbc) not required if clients are configured for automatic access
password for RefDB clients (refdba, refdbc) not required if clients are configured for automatic access
RefDB (7), refdb-restore (1), refdba (1), refdbc (1).
RefDB manual (local copy) <prefix>/share/doc/refdb-<version>/refdb-manual/index.html
RefDB manual (web) <>
RefDB on the web <>