4.2. Upgrading from an older version

If you already run an older version of refdb and want to upgrade to the latest version, you may have to change a few things in your local setup in order to reuse existing databases and existing configuration files. This section lists all backwards-incompatible changes of the past few versions (the complete list since the days of yore can be found in the file README).

Note: The file UPGRADING contains instructions how to avoid losing your data in the case of non-trivial changes in the new version.

4.2.1. 0.9.5

4.2.2. 0.9.4

4.2.3. 0.9.3

The citation key code had some serious flaws in previous versions. In order to work around these flaws it is recommended to re-create existing databases from a risx dump. This will fix the following issues:

The following procedure is recommended to re-create your databases:

  1. Make all sorts of backups of your existing databases. Use the native tools of your database server to create SQL dumps. In case of MySQL or SQLite databases, you can also make copies of the subdirectories and files, respectively.

  2. After upgrading to 0.9.3, use the refdbc command getref -t risx -o dbname.xml :ID:>0 to dump your databases to XML files.

  3. Decide whether you want to use your setup for SGML documents. If you will use SGML documents, the citation keys have to be all uppercase. You can do this manually, use a Perl one-liner, or configure refdbd to uppercase citation keys when adding datasets. Use either the -U command line switch or set the upper_citekey configuration variable appropriately. You can of course process XML and LaTeX documents with these settings as well, but you'll have to enter the citation keys in their uppercase forms in XML and LaTeX documents.

  4. Create a new database and read back your existing data with the refdbc command addref -t risx newdbname.xml

4.2.4. 0.9