The most common refdb-mode commands are accessible through keyboard shortcuts. The common prefix of these commands is Ctrl-cCtrl-r. The remainder of the key sequences are grouped by the purpose of the commands in a similar fashion as in the menu. Reference and notes management functions use r and n as a prefix, respectively. Commands that retrieve references by exact match and by regexp match use g and x as a prefix, respectively. The corresponding prefixes for notes management are o and p. Retrieving references and notes on region requires the Ctrl-g and Ctrl-o prefixes. Insert commands use the i prefix, select commands use the s prefix, and commands related to transforming documents and citing references use c as a prefix.
Table 2.1. refdb-mode key bindings
common prefix | action | target |
Ctrl-cCtrl-r |
modify references: r modify notes: n |
add: a update: u check: c delete: d |
Ctrl-cCtrl-r |
get reference (exact): g get reference (regexp): x get reference on region: Ctrl-g get note (exact): o get note (regexp): p get note on region: Ctrl-o |
author: a title: t keyword: k periodical: p ID: i citation key: c advanced: d keywordlink: l IDlink: q citation key link: v |
Ctrl-cCtrl-r |
insert: i |
author: a keyword: k periodical: p |
Ctrl-cCtrl-r |
select: s |
database: d reference output type: r notes output type: n |
Ctrl-cCtrl-r | transform: c |
transform document: c view document: v cite as DocBook from point: d cite as TEI from point: t cite as LaTeX from point: l cite as Muse from point: m cite as DocBook (region): s cite as TEI (region): t cite as LaTeX (region): x cite as Muse (region): y |